Future Plans

David's death means some of his aims cannot be realised. However I have added a suitable final episode to his freewheeling sort-of blog Footloose, which can be found at www.davidheidenstam.com/footloose.

You can also read his biography at his Amazon author page here.

And a Q&A session with him about Tales for my Dog and the writing life here.


David Heidenstam near Hoi An in Vietnam

Robert Hunter

The Prison Collected Poems of Robert Hunter

David met Robert Hunter when they were both working as security guards. Robert had been an actor in the 1950s and the 1960s, at one point sharing a stage with Olivier, and later worked as a script-reader for Associated Television. He died in the 1980s.

David admired Robert’s poetry to the extent of wanting it published for the first time, and collated it under the title The Prison. He designed a cover, shown here, and added a Foreword and memories and anecdotes. Unfortunately in the wake of David’s death the manuscript could not be found, so the cover has to stand as the memorial to Robert’s poetry.